Vincotech whistleblowing bejelentés UA

Vincotech whistleblowing UA

Please provide your name and contact details. Reports will be treated confidentially.

Which of the following best describes the incident that you are reporting? Multiple incident types can be selected if related to each other.

  • Corruption includes both giving and receiving bribes.
  • Corruption includes both public bribery (involving government officials) and private bribery (between private companies or individuals).
  • If you are aware of multiple unrelated incidents, please submit separate forms for each incident.

When did the incident take place? Please provide Date, Time, Occasion, etc.

Who was involved in the incident and how were they involved?

If multiple people were involved, please provide details of each person.


Name 2nd

Name 3rd

Which of the following best describes the incident that you are reporting? Multiple incident types can be selected if related to each other.

  • ACorruption includes both giving and receiving bribes.
  • Corruption includes both public bribery (involving government officials) and private bribery (between private companies or individuals).
  • If you are aware of multiple unrelated incidents, please submit separate forms for each incident.

When did the incident take place? Please provide Date, Time, Occasion, etc.

Who was involved in the incident and how were they involved?

If multiple people were involved, please provide details of each person.


Name 2nd

Name 3rd