„Reach” – Voxearch


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IVR service assisted by the Voxreach voice identifier software in the Call Center

The system is based upon a voice recognition engine, which enables the human voice to translate to text or to be recognized and be used as commands in any software applications. In a speech recognition based application one of the toughest issues is the efficiency of the dialogue with the user. That’s why we have created a spectacular dialogue editor where the most complex dialogue templates can be designed on-thefly. The dialogue editor can be integrated with either a call-center or a telephone research software. The interactive voice response becomes thus real human voice response, which is friendlier than DTMF-codes. An innovative feature of the system is the recognition of multiple keywords, which can minimize the levels in the menu of a call-center, and increase the efficiency of the system. The system includes a SIP-dialer plugin to enable easy to setup call-out. The Voxearch system can be used at any call center or telephone research company. If employed by a call center, the system can be installed on any Windows Server product, and will be set up to work with standalone Asterisk or ISDN-telephone PBX.

For multiple IVRoperations, a number of virtual servers will be set up. If employed for research purposes, Voxearch comes either integrated with a research call-out software, or an integration with your existing software can be developed. The system is licensed as a software package with its plug-ins, and we distribute it as an IT-solution. Our professionals help you design your system layout, install the system, perform integrations, set up parameters and train the administrators. The integrated call-center solution was developed by Budapest-based SzondaPhone Telephone Marketing Ltd. The voice recognition engine employed by the Voxearch system was developed by AITIA International, Inc., Budapest. The voice menu designer tool was developed by Alt+F4 Ltd.
